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What is a Land Registry Title Plan

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  • Tags:
  • Title plans
  • Posted date:
  • 27-09-2019
What is a Land Registry Title Plan

The process of identifying boundaries with precision is not easy because the legal boundaries and the physical boundaries are different. As a result, completing the registration of a title can result in disputes even in areas or parcels of lands where none existed.

If you own a piece of land, it is crucial to understand that Title Plans do not show the exact boundaries in the land title. 

Defining and Identifying Property Line

However, for landowners to understand this, a joint statement which can be accessed at the Land Registry or Ordnance Survey websites was prepared in 2009. Here are the things you are supposed to know:

Land Registry

Land Registry cannot decide where the boundary should be placed when a landowner decides to divide individual pieces of land. It is upon the owner who divided the land to determine where the boundaries will be.

Description of Boundaries

For the description of boundaries that are given in title deeds for the vendor or produced by the vendor are not accurate. This is due to the poor standards that were used in the past years. The principle used was known as recording the general boundary to determine the boundaries in a title deed.

Title Deeds

The Land Registry is supposed to examine the title deeds that are submitted for first registration. The Land Registry should then interpret these title deeds onto the Ordnance Survey map to show the general boundary.

Land Registration Act of 2002

According to the Land Registration Act of 2002, the boundary of a registered estate is the general boundary as shown for a register. This applies unless otherwise determined by this section.

General Boundaries

The red line on a title deed does not show the 'general boundary'. However, the edging inside the black line on the Ordnance Survey map shows the 'general boundary' of a property.

Physical Features

Since the Ordnance Survey map shows the physical features, the map does not show boundary positions. The map usually uses a physical feature as the general boundary of a property, making it hard for the owner to understand the relationship between the boundary and the physical feature.

Small Errors

Ordnance Survey maps also have small errors involving generalisation and selection of features. These errors affect the accuracy of these maps, making it hard to decide exact boundaries.

Land Developers

In some cases, land developers build and sell houses at a faster rate. This makes it hard for the Ordnance survey to survey these developments and make necessary changes. In such cases, the Land Registry base its title plans on the transfer plans of the developer. It is easier to determine the exact boundaries basing your data or information with the developer.

A title plan

A title plan is used to identify the land in the registered title by showing the position of the land boundaries generally. However, in rare cases which are noted by the register, the determined boundary or a boundary agreement can affect the registered title.

Final Say

In such cases, where the boundary cannot be aggreeed it is upon the Land Registry to show the exact position of the boundary to avoid disagreements or quarrels. Therefore, the Land Registry has the final say in such cases.

If you are worried about a boundary dispute with your neighbour, you will benefit from consulting a property surveyor who is trained to mediate in boundary dispute resolution. Follow the link below to find out more.